Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This month we are all knee-deep in politics. Election. Election results. Victory speeches. Party agendas. The White House transition. It's enough to make you sick. I sat in bed the night of President elect Obama's victory speech and I wanted to throw up. I assure you this is not my attempt to raise my voice against our new Commander in Chief. I think I would be feeling the same way if McCain had given that speech. It struck me as pathetic that after all the mud slinging and dirt digging that both of these men stood on the podium that night praising one another. What a load of shit (sorry mom, there's no other word to describe it).

After I put my personal response to their meaningless speeches aside, I decided that the God I serve is sovereign and I believe He places people in leadership. So although I do not understand His method, I trust His heart. My pastor shared on Sunday that we need to respect the fact that Obama is our new president and pray hard for him to have the wisdom he needs to lead this country. He even pointed out that while Obama might be considered "inexperienced" for the task, he didn't know one person whose resume would qualify them to be the leader of the free world. I agree wholeheartedly with these thoughts and I am asking the Lord to give me peace in my heart and a sharp mind that remembers daily to lift up this country and its new leader.

With that said, there is just one issue I cannot settle in my heart. A few weeks ago you might have heard me saying that I'm not a one issue voter, that I wouldn't vote on the issues but rather character because I don't believe the issues can be fought through political means. While my boss touted his strong views on abortion and it being the only thing that matters in selecting the next president, I stood my ground believing it didn't matter what the president thought because he couldn't change someone's heart on the issue. "Abortion is a heart issue", I would say. "Even if abortion is illegal, women will still find a way to do it if they wanted. We have to change their hearts, not the law."

Today I received an email about the Freedom of Choice Act. The email led me to a website http://www.fightfoca.com/ where I could sign a petition against this legislation that Obama is promising to pass. While visiting the site to sign the petition I watched a video of Obama and his promise to make the passing of this act "the first thing he does as President." Now, I work in the entertainment industry so I am well aware of the miracle of video editing and how it can make something sound. So I'm not completely naive to think that Obama meant his little Planned Parenthood speech the way it came across. Yet although I watched with mixed feelings of cynacism and sadness, I was mostly grieved by the fact that such a law has even a fighting chance of becoming a reality. The video showed a young woman asking about a woman's rights and how he would secure those rights. This of course is when he raised his voice in true democratic fashion declaring that he would pass this act as President. All I could think was, What's with this woman? She planning to get knocked up? Why is it so important to HER to be able to terminate a pregnancy? It just struck me as odd that the right to choose would mean so much to a woman who would likely not ever need to choose.

So I have to ask the question - do any of us really know what we are fighting for? I think we get so caught up in the fight that many times we forget what we are fighting for. These women who fight for their right to choose simply want the
freedom to "fix" their mistakes or save themselves if ever faced with the choice of their life or their unborn child's. I realize there are cases where abortion could mean saving a mother's life but I know those cases are so rare and thus do not believe they deem this legislation across the board. I suppose being someone of faith it's easy for me to say He is sovereign and we shouldn't mess with His plan no matter how horrible it may seem. Still, I know what I am fighting for. To me, it's not about the circumstances surrounding the situation. Mistake or not. Rape or not. Risk or not. You either believe it's a life or you don't. Period. And the hard truth is, it is a life and we must behave accordingly.

I think I was very wrong about voting on the issues. I actually did end up voting in favor of the right to life but that was not my reasoning behind it. I voted on character and my gut feeling yet I didn't win. He didn't win. But although I am grieved by what could be a horrible reality for millions of innocent babies, I know He is still on the throne and nothing comes as a surprise to Him. Still, I am now compelled to make this issue an even greater matter of prayer. If we are going to fight, then our best strategy is to fight in intercession for our leaders to have wisdom and revelation of the truth.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Great post! I'd like to say that I am not an "issue" voter either however the issue of abortion is/was paramount in this election. Our president elect would like to get rid of all restrictions that have been placed on abortion..ie partial birth (barbaric and just plain gross) as well as late term abortions. He voted 3 times against a Born Alive Infant Protection Act. So he will withhold treatment to a baby who survives a failed abortion yet is viable. In Illinois many babies have been placed alive and cold in a soiled utility room left to die. Some of them as old as 32 weeks. A 32 weeker could potentially require minimal medical treatment.I can't help but question the character of a man who condones this. The will of the people spoke, I just wish more people valued human life. Roe vs. Wade may never be overturned but lifting all restrictions that we have placed on abortion is tragic.

I found a post on a blog that was so moving. She is an atheist turned christian turned catholic. I am not catholic but her post is pretty poignant and really spoke to my heart. It is worth reading.


PS. So good to see you on the other side and Hope is a cutie!