I've been thinking a lot lately about changing my blog. I have been wanting to direct my writing towards topics I am currently experiencing. Besides the fact that someone informed me this week that there is an unwritten rule about how long URL's should be. Apparently www.ontheothersideofinfertility.com breaks the rule. I should have known that, after all, I work in marketing. How'd I miss that?
Although I will always write about infertility and I definitely believe the topic is worthy of discussion, I know it is only relevant to some that read my posts. You can be sure I will address it again, especially as we begin to look towards having another baby (stay tuned for that).
So I've thought and I've prayed about what to call the new blog. You all are very familiar with the ever-present battle that rages in my soul about being a mom who works outside the home 30+ hours a week. I figured as long as I feel the Lord has me in this season for a while longer, I might as well embrace it so I decided I would focus on writing about motherhood and marketplace ministry.
My pastor talks a lot about marketplace ministry. This is simply a phrase coined to describe people who work outside the church really. Those that work in the marketplace yet still desire to minister to people. When I think of this phrase, I always think of a man in a suit going off to work with his bible and briefcase in hand. I am not a man and I don't carry a briefcase but I am a marketplace minister. Actually, I am a Marketplace Mommy. . .one who works in the marketplace but still desires to be a mommy.
I don't think my posts will change much. It probably doesn't even matter that I changed the name of my blog. Really, it's just about the fact that I'd like to have one of those cute, little designs I see all over the blogosphere and I thought I should have a clever name to go with it. We'll see if I ever get to that.
So welcome to the home of Marketplace Mommy where I will continue to share thoughts and ponderings on what it's like to juggle sippy cups and conference calls. As always, I hope that to whatever extent you are a marketplace mommy (we all are in some respects) you will be encouraged by what you read there.
Please visit the new blog at www.marketplacemommy.com.