This month I'm afraid that I have to reveal one of my dirty little secrets. Some of you that have been to my house might think I keep it neat and tidy (although who knows, perhaps you think I'm a slob). While it's true that I like to keep up appearances when it comes to neatness, I daily battle piles of clutter. Be it mail I think I'll need to reference one day or magazine tear sheets I aspire to mimic, there's always too much lying around. And thus the reason for my dirty little secret. I hope it doesn't affect our friendship or the way you view me as a person. I venture to guess at least half of you have a similar secret. . .
I have 4 junk drawers in my kitchen.
I know, I know. It's disgusting. Who needs 4 junk drawers? Apparently the Wolstenholms do.
So today I decided it was time to clean them out. Oh, I still have 4 junk drawers. They now just each have a purpose of their own.
Here they are before. . .
And after. . .
One for scissors, tape, etc. . .One for note pads and pens. . .One for my writing and correspondence supplies. . .and One for coupons.
I know what you are thinking. Why couldn't you use only 2 drawers for these items?Well I probably could but then they'd get all stuffed and junky. . .at least this way I have room to keep them organized. And besides, I have the 4 drawers, so why not use them?
I hope that even though I am not doing these projects as often as I was at the beginning of the year, you are still finding inspiration here to tackle the clutter in your home. I still feel like I'm buried under a pile of junk all the time, but we are getting there. One step at a time.
That is so funny because I totally had 4 junk drawers until a few months ago. I finally got it whittled down to 1 (but only because I really needed the drawer space for kitchen utensils and such)
I do love these posts.
I'm hoping to do a yard sale in the next week or two. I love the feeling of finding things that I don't need/want but that someone else could use. So my dining room table is piling up with things to get rid of - yay!
I am totally inspired to de-clutter! As son as we get a home that is ;-) I have been doing the same thing though as much as I can. Can't wait to be able to do it all in my own space!!! It is hard to stay above clutter with little ones, but you are right - it CAN totally be done!
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